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Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata

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Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Empty Re: Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata

Post by Gadreille Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:29 pm

Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Emoriaiconcorbina

Corbina let out a sigh. "No, you can't," she said, but Jar was already out the door. A nod from Dasciis, and she was out the door as well. She supposed that she could stay with the group for a while longer - nothing and no one was forcing her one way or another. She could leave any time she wanted. So why don't I? Fear of going home? Hope for acceptance? She pushed the thoughts out of her head. Whatever the reason, she wasn't giving up yet.

The group left Werewolf's Bane, the pirate ahead of her and Jarileh behind. Dasciis strode next to the pirate as if he too knew where they were headed. Corbina felt a chill as she passed by the burnt porch of the abandoned building next door. She hadn't thrown a flame that large in a while, and she had mixed feelings of it. For one, she could still use her power, however misproportioned the flame was, it was a flame and it would kill someone. But could she do it again? How had she done it then? The whole fight was a blur to her memory. She had never felt so weak before. So many weaknesses, so little strength...she thought. She glanced at Jar, less than a glance really, more of a check on her peripheral to see if he was still there. He was. If she truly had no strength, he would have slaughtered her yesterday. She musn't forget that. Not many would have lasted a fight with such as him. And she was sure her bolt had been on his heart. She remembered the pulse of it, ringing in her ears like a triangle for supper. Corbina shook her head. She wasn't ready to accept many things about herself, but she'd best start trying now.

Boyd led them through the streets of Nolwe Osto, in a haphazard fashion that had Corbina wondering if they were going in circles. Gabriel perched on her shoulder, taking flight now and again out of boredom more than anything else. How she wished she could talk to him, share her thoughts, worries and such. But she dare not let them know Gabriel's true potential. Animal spirits were a preciously guarded secret among the Jasidin, and she had no idea what the reception of one would be from the other three.
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Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Empty Re: Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata

Post by Hello Danger Wed May 25, 2011 5:45 pm

Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Emoriaiconboyd

A pirate, a hero, a witch, and a giant… sounds like the start of a bad joke, he thought as he exited Werewolf's Bane. He assumed position out in front of the small group, and Dasciis moved to follow close to him.

Wanting to keep an eye on me, huh? He’s going to be a thorn in my ass, he thought with a glance at the hero.

The fact that he had just taken the first few steps to what had the makings of a grand adventure, it had little to no real pull on the pirate’s mind. He was fully aware of the magnitude of what was going on in the world of Emoria. But what weighed heaviest on his thoughts were the circumstances that had brought him here.

Despite Boyd’s pirate ways—the arrogance, the drinking, the smoking, the fighting, and the sex—he was above all else a captain. And that meant he was more than a mindless cutthroat. It was that fact that had him questioning his role in all of this. His job was simple. He needed to divert attention away from his clan at the council. Check. And insert himself into the investigation of the kidnappings. Check.

But why, he wondered of the latter. Why have me keep tabs on the investigation? What did she want to know and why? What is my Lady plotting? Whatever it was, Boyd wouldn’t wait around to be left to hang.

He was more than a cutthroat…

She will realize that.


As Boyd neared the entrance of the city the streets became more difficult to maneuver in. Wagons, caravans, carts, and the such were coming, going, stopping and preparing. Guards were busy inspecting cargo, workers were loading and unloading goods, and merchants and their mercenaries were overseeing it all. Hectic was the simplest way to describe the group’s surroundings. Yet Boyd managed to press through the chaos. If it looked as if he wasn’t entirely certain where he was going, it was because he didn’t and was still a little drunk…

He finally came to a group of wagons that appeared to be readying to depart. Workers moved quickly to load the few crates left onto the beds of the wagons. Mercenaries patrolled in close proximity. O ne merchant, a round, dark skinned, bearded man, with a funny hat, and colorful expensive looking clothes, wobbled around , fiercely directing his staff.

“Wait here… I’ll handle this,” Boyd said casually to the group. Before there was any time to voice an argument, the pirate was breaking away from his companions and towards the caravan…


After several moments of talking to the merchant in private, Boyd came strolling back to the group.

“Everything’s been taken care of. For fifty a head we'll have arranged safe passage to the Shire Coast. They’re heading for the port settlement of Westhurst. My ship is docked there.

We’ll be accompanied by the merchant who owns this caravan, Tathius, his staff of workhands and mercenaries, and one other passenger…

The caravan will be leaving shortly. I suggest if anyone has anything left to do in the city, they do it now and with haste.”
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Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Empty Re: Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata

Post by Mojave Wanderer Sat May 28, 2011 6:43 pm

Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Emoriaiconaesir
Aesir stood leaning on an old building with his hood pulled over his head. Oh how the light reflects off these buildings he thought, as his eyes began watering. The caravan was in sight, but for the most part, he tried to ignore the merchant and the rest of his caravan.

Just when he was about to fall asleep under his deep blue cloak, he noticed the merchant talking to a man that looked like he lived like most in Hyrn. He couldn't tell exactly what they were talking about, but he could tell that they were doing business of some sort.
"Great, just what I needed. Some more trouble," Aesir whispered to himself as he saw the man that was talking to the merchant move toward a small group standing a small distance away.

He hoped that the trip on land would not take to long, because he was anxious to reach the sea before someone found out who he really was. He had taken two and a half months to get to this continent. Now all he wanted was to return home, although, he was not sure what he would find if he reached it.

Before he had left Hyrn, the Finevui Hyrn had sent a large group of warriors into the great Verevui city. Before they had done this, there was an understandment of peace between the two groups and the only fighting between the two was small skirmishes between individual groups. The group slaughtered everyone that was not fortunate enough to have escaped the city. The leader of the Verevui, Halion Verevui, was able to escape the city and go into hiding along with a few of his small "family". Soon enough, word got through to Halion that the Council of Nolwë Osto. Aesir was one of this "family", so he left to the council with his leader.

How he missed his "family". They had taken him in when he was quite young for Hyrn standards. It was with them he learned to live on his own, in his homeland where no peace could be found. Aesir heard the man who talked to the merchant say "For fifty a head. . ." He laughed at this. Atleast his skills in alchemy were atleast somewhat useful. The merchant made him pay twenty, as long as the merchant also recieved three potions. He hoped the group would leave soon, for he was unsure how long "Myrthin Irnis" would keep others from finding him. Maybe the name would give him some time, maybe not.

Aesir had reached Nolwë Osto with the rest of the Verevui about two days ago. Since the first night, he had been on the run. Another group of Hyrn had learned of their journey to the council and had followed them since their departure. When they stayed their first night in an inn, the group that had followed them made their move. They broke inside of the rooms that the Verevui had rented, and murdered everyone inside.

Aesir thought of how lucky he was to have been looking through alchemy supplies at a nearby store. When he returned, the people were gone. The innkeeper told Aesir:
"You better stay on the run. Those Elvish looking folk told me they was looking for you. You'd best get out of the city soon."
Since then, Aesir had been out on the streets, avoiding any suspicious activity, looking for a way out of the city. Earlier, during the day after the council, Aesir came across a merchant named Tathius.

"Are you and your caravan leaving the city soon?" said Aesir with the hood of his cloak covering most of his head.

"We are, we will be heading to Port Westhurst on the Shire Coast soon enough. Are you wanting to join us? For fifty, you could join us if you would like." said Tathius.

"I'll pay twenty and give three potions with restorative power to make up for the other thirty." said Aesir.

"Well sir. . . what might might your name be?" said Tathius.

"Its, its Myrthin. Myrthin Irnis," Aesir said as his eyes darted around nervously beneath his cloak.

"Well Sir Irnis, you have yourself a deal," said Tathius, grinning as if he had just gotten the deal of his life.

Aesir laughed at the thought of this, for potions, which may be rare, cost little to make.
Mojave Wanderer
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Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Empty Re: Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata

Post by Gadreille Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:53 pm

Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Emoriaiconcorbina

Tathius was a sight to behold.

Wrapped in colors of every sort, sweat falling off his forehead like a waterfall, which was constantly being wiped by elaborate sleeves and handkerchiefs, Corbina wasn't sure what to make of the heavyset man. He smiled and greeted them all, casting a wary eye on Jarileh but only for a second, so quick she almost missed it. He was outwardly jolly, but he seemed very calm and calculating just under the surface. Corbina was wary of him.

She scanned the rest of the caravan. There was an impressive amount of wagons, some larger than others. There seemed to be minimal crew around, which was fine by her, but she wondered how so few people could keep a caravan moving safely. Perhaps it wasn't safe. Some of the crew had the build for fighting, but many of them were scrawny old men, or undergrown and young, and none stood out in any fashion.

She thought she had just about assessed the entire situation, when another caught her eye. "Is that the other passenger?" She asked Boyd, nodding her head toward a blue clad elf standing a distance away. While it wasn't surprising to see an elf in Nolwë Osto, he didn't seem to be Quendë or even Thendári, which were the only types of elves she knew existed. He He was as pale as the snow, and while all elves were lithe, he had a frailness about him that could not be explained by age. Just as soon as he took notice of her, their eyes met for a moment and his posture shifted, the frailness disappearing but a moment before he was hunched again once more, avoiding not only her sight, but the others as well.

He was hiding something, she was sure of it. It wasn't her business to know, but people with secrets tend to bring problems, and he was no exception.
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Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Empty Re: Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata

Post by Guest Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:17 am

Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Emoriaicondasciis

Dasciis scanned the caravan quickly. Some of the men in the caravan looked to be brawlers, but little more. Most caravans only traveled with a guard, and this one seemed to have none. With Tathius's asking price, it seemed the man was more interested in profit than safety. Surely that was something Tathius would soon come to regret if he wanted to travel to the Shire Coast.

"Do you plan on using your exorbitant fees to pay for a proper caravan guard, Master Tathius?" Dasciis asked. "Traemador is not a land to be taken lightly, in the heart of it. And its western borders are under siege by ogres. While I don't doubt your experience and knowledge, neither do I doubt my own."

Tathius beamed Dasciis a wide smile, his confidence spoiled only by the sweat streaming down his face and collecting in his beard. "Why, Hero of Spire, that is what you are for! And that giant there. And a pirate is never bad to have around, so long as you keep a good eye on him." Tathius leaned in toward Dasciis and lowered his voice a little, obviously still meaning to be heard. "Why, the only one you need worry about is the lass there; unless her glare is meant to keep away brigands and ogres, I don't think even a sword would do her much good."


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Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Empty Re: Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata

Post by quakernuts Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:58 am

Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Emoria11

The walk to the caravan had been uneventful. Jar had taken spot behind the group, acting as a rear guard and an over watch for them. He didn't trust any of them, although he had a bit more trust for the sorceress now that he thought about it. She hadn't hidden her feelings, and despite catching him by surprise, released just how she acted and reacted to situations. All in all, he could at least guess with slight confidence what she would do, and judging by her unstable state, lies would be easy to see through. The Hero was a different matter. Jar had not heard of the man himself, but heard of his kind and their sense of honour. To be honest, Jar was surprised his sense of honour didn't ask him to challenge Jar on behalf of Corbina. Still, his sense of honour could come as a useful tool should the time come when they need to face each other in combat. The last one being the Pirate, Boyd. On the outside, he seemed like a jolly, no-care pirate with a thing for getting into trouble, like all pirates. While it was him Jar needed to move forward, he was the least trusted out of this group. He had killed his cellmate when he rescued him a few years ago, and he had no doubt in his mind that he would try to kill him if the situation presented itself. Jar's eyes stayed focused mostly on the surrounded area, but also kept Boyd in sight at all times.

As they reached the caravan, Jar gave a once over the crew and its leader. It was poorly defended, and lead by a man who looked like he had fallen in a can of paint and then decided to eat it. Boyd arranged for them to travel...for fifty a head. Jar scoffed, but said nothing for the moment. He noticed Corbina whispering to Boyd, and followed her eyes to a fragile looking creature standing in a crooked like stance. Jar's eyes narrowed, but he couldn't make out who, or even what it was. The build behind the cloak suggested elven, but he was never one to say something until it became clear to him. Unless the man had some sort of magical power, Jar had a feeling that should a fight come, he could break the man in two.

Jarileh saw Dasciss move towards the merchant and start talking to him. As far as he could tell, the Hero was trying to talk himself into a guard detail, one that didn't require him to pay. Jar took up a spot beside him, looking down at the merchant and waiting for the merchant to finish talking. When he mentioned the woman needing more than a sword, Jar cast a glance to Dasciss, and looked back at the man. "Let me see if I can understand this. You want us to pay a fare...and be your guards?" Jar looked back over the group once more, before turning back and once more returning his red gaze to the man's sweating face. "I don't work that way. You will either let us come with you for free, or you will pay us. There is no other option in this matter." Jar stated it in such a way that it left no room for argument, yet the man didn't seem to get the message.

"Now now mercenary, obviously you must see I must turn a profit from th-"

"You will turn several graves, including your own if you don't see the point I'm trying to get across. Travelling across Traemodor is not something to be taken lightly. Danger and death are everywhere, we are travelling in a large enough group to be worth an attack. Also, your crew looks like it could barely handle a few rabid rabbits. You are dressed so extravagantly that enemies could spot us miles away. So, I will only say this once more. You will let us ride for free, or you will pay us to guard this caravan. There is no other option." Tathius looked around, the sweat seeming to grow in intensity as he tried with all his inner strength to maintain eye contact with Jarileh. Finally, he exhaled a loud breath, and waved a hand in the air.

"So be it Giant. You and your company can ride for free on the guarantee that you defend us from attack should we come under any."

"Maybe." Jar said, pushing past the man making sure to knock against him enough to send him stumbling back a few steps. He waved his hand forward for the rest of the group to follow, but didn't look back to see if they were. If they were stupid enough to actually pay when he managed to persuade the man otherwise than that was there choice. For now, he simply walked to the caravan and leaned up against one of the wagons, waiting for the show to get started.

Last edited by quakernuts on Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Empty Re: Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata

Post by Mojave Wanderer Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:24 pm

Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Emoriaiconaesir

Aesir looked over the group again. A thug, a giant, a warrior, and a lady, Aesir thought as he stared at them. Something about her didn’t fit in, and it frightened Aesir. He didn’t know what it was but it was something about her, it made him very uneasy when she looked his way.

He noticed almost immediately, standing not too far away was an Elven lady with long silver hair. “They must know I’m near” he whispered under his breath as he began to walk slowly toward the rest of the caravan. He did his best to not draw attention to himself, but because it was so bright out he stumbled a few times. The lady never seemed to turn around to look at him, but Aesir felt he would blend in better if he stayed near a group of people.

“Are we leaving soon, Tathius” said Aesir almost completely ignoring the rest of the caravan.

“Don’t worry sir Irnis, you will reach your destination on time” said Tathius in a low grumble.

He seems a bit upset, thought Aesir. Aesir wanted to tell Tathius that they need to leave sooner, but that would only draw more attention to him. He decided to lean against the side of the wagon, keeping his hood as high as he could. Although that lady never turned around she also never left.
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Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Empty Re: Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata

Post by Gadreille Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:37 am

Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Emoriaiconcorbina

Corbina admired the city of Nolwë Osto as the caravan began it's slow pace along the southern road. Even the forests, which Thathius said were the Undu forests, were unlike anything Corbina had ever seen before her travels here. Every once in a while she thought she could see a person amongst the thick trees; eventually, she said so to the heavy merchant.

"Oh yes, that'd be the Undu elves. Quiet folk, don't usually go into the city much. But as long as we stay on the road, they won't be bothered with us. Isn't that right?" He called out to the forest, with a false laugh and an overly cheerful smile that was quickly dropped.

Corbina had no idea that people lived within the forests. She had not noticed them on her way here. Either travelling alone had not warranted their attention or…they hadn’t wanted her to see them. That thought gave her pause. These days, there were few things that could move past her senses.

Part of her was excited to have come and see a new part of the world...envious of what little time she had spent there. Another part of her felt like the entire endeavor had been a colossal waste of time. She had spent weeks on the road, less than an hour of political discussion in which nothing helpful was divulged from either her nor her companions…and nearly gotten herself arrested because of her inability to deal with the disease.

Corbina sighed. By the pace of the was going to take them weeks just to reach this pirate's ship. She glanced over to the pirate, but Boyd wasn't speaking much. Jar tended to stay close by to him, and Boyd looked none too happy to have Jar over his shoulder. The Spirean walked in silence that she had long since figured out was normal for the strange hero...and everyone else steered clear of her.

It seemed that the only other traveler who wasn’t a part of the caravan team was the hooded figure. She tried to keep an eye on him, but he always seemed to be travelling behind her. It made her uneasy. The few times she risked a glance back, the only thing she noticed was that he tended to be glancing back as well. Are we being followed? She wondered.
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Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Empty Re: Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata

Post by Guilty Carrion Sat Sep 17, 2011 5:53 pm

Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Emoriaiconboyd

So far, this journey was shaping up to be…interesting?

The sorceress was going to be fun to play with, there was little doubt of that in his mind. If he could somehow manage to talk to her without the hero or giant lurking over his shoulder the entire time. The pirate glanced backwards, eyes meeting the massive Durake’s for a moment before he focused back ahead on the road. He’d need a drink or two before this journey was out. The heated stare of the hero on his back forced a sigh from his lips. Make that twenty or so drinks.

The sorceress seemed interested in their hooded friend and the pirate casually made his way to her side, fixing her with his trademark grin. “Curious about the stranger, are we?” She glared back at him, and he simply winked in response. “There’s an easier way.” He stopped his stride, waiting until the hooded stranger was beside him before matching the man’s pace. “Ahoy! I couldn’t help but notice you lagging behind, and figured I’d come keep you company.” He slung an arm over the man’s shoulder, keeping him from scampering off or trying to distance himself from the pirate. Never could be too cautious with these flighty types. “So, where you headed, and all by your lonesome?” He picked his pace up ever so slightly, slowly dragging the elf towards the center of the caravan, ignoring the looks his companions where shooting him at his man-handling of the stranger.
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Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Empty Re: Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata

Post by Mojave Wanderer Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:41 pm

Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Emoriaiconaesir

Aesir’s first reaction when he was grabbed was to reach for his dagger, but he quickly dismissed that idea seeing the large Durake standing nearby. He grabbed the pirates arm and removed it from his shoulder, stopping the two from moving along with the rest of the caravan and began to speak.

“If you must know I am taking a ship back to my home in Arcona. My life in these lands is finished, and I hope to go back and find what is left of my family. I am not looking for any more trouble than what I have already faced.”

Aesir began moving again not waiting to see if the pirate would respond. He lifted the hood of his cloak putting it back above his head. He wouldn’t risk distancing himself any further from the caravan. The other Hyrn elves were hiding nearby, waiting for their opportunity to strike. The elves had not attacked the caravan so far but the coast was still many miles away. This was going to be a long journey, and a dangerous one.
Mojave Wanderer
Mojave Wanderer

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Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Empty Re: Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata

Post by Guest Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:08 pm

Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Emoriaicondasciis

Dasciis shook his head as Boyd began man-handling the stranger. That was a good way to get a dagger in your ribs.
"Leave him alone, Boyd," Dasciis said. "Everyone has their secrets. Even you," he said pointedly. Dasciis wanted nothing more than for this journey to go peacefully, and he was sure they would have more than enough trouble just trying to pass through Traemador. That land was filled with ogres and a very unpredictable people.

"Arcona is a long ways away, elf," Dasciis said. "What brought you all the way out here?" Dasciis wasn't normally one for small talk, but learning more about this stranger was another way to avoid a potential knife in the ribs. So was his armor, but Corbina was not so well protected, or any of the caravan members. If there was actually a problem with the elf, he would rather fish it out as soon as possible.


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Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Empty Re: Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata

Post by quakernuts Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:25 pm

Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Emoria12

Jarileh, for the most part, walked in silence with the rest of the caravan. It was going to be a long trip, and his biggest worry was a source of food to sustain his increased metabolism. He had been listening to all the conversations as they took place, not wanting to get caught off guard by any plans to try and remove him from the group. The mention of the elves in the woods made Jar give long hard looks into the forest. He had seen movement in their depth before, and had walked this road many times, but was always cautious when movement was reported by someone in the group. They would, under the best of circumstances, ignore the caravan because of himself and the hero. they were scavengers, and not really looking for a fight so much as a score.

Jar managed to keep himself close enough to Boyd to grab him should the need to arise. He didn't trust the pirate, which was a stereotype in itself, but it was true. Jar's eyes were wandering over everything. The forest, the group, the road, the contents of the caravan, and the sky. He had been caught in a firestorm once before, where balls of fire rained from the heavens and nearly killed him. He was always cautious of the sky after that incident. The trip so far had been going smoothly, until Boyd wandered over to talk to the sorceress. He heard something about curiosity, and watched as the pirate put an arm around the new member and forced him forwards. To be honest, the frail looking being was low on his list of possible threats, and he hadn't been paying too much attention to him other than the occasional glance back to make sure he was still in the same position.

As they started talking, Jar couldn't help but give a gruff sigh at the response of the elf. Everyone has a story, and the ending is always the same. Jar thought to himself as the Spirean then asked him a question; why he had come out here. "I'm going to have to guess something with trouble." Jar said dryly, his voice devoid of humour despite the content. "Everyone's running from something, and the way you try to hide your face with a cloak makes me think you have brought a threat towards this group." Jar gave a long hard look at the elf. "I do not enjoy people who bring threats." His voice neutral, but his fist flexing unconsciously beside him as he returned to his regular walking stance. He was done with this conversation.

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Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Empty Re: Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata

Post by Gadreille Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:39 pm

Emoria: Chapter One; Fermata - Page 2 Emoriaiconcorbina

Things were already getting tense, and the long ride had barely begun. Boyd was man handling the newcomer, what was new? Dasciis had done his part to try and be welcoming, but before the elf had had a chance to respond, Jar had gone over and tossed out a couple of threats. Corbina doubted there was much truth to them. She sighed. Men. Indeed, this was going to be a very long walk.

And so she approached the other side of the elf, and in the friendliest manner said, "We don't even know your name, Stranger. But I suppose you don't know ours."

Corbina pointed toward Boyd. "Boyd, pirate. Ignore him."

Her hand swung to Jarileh. "Jarileh. Big guy. Avoid him."

Then she gestured to Dasciis. "Dasciis, Spirean. Doesn't talk much."

And then she pointed to herself. "Corbina, Jasidin fire sorca." She sighed. "I suppose I have anger issues." Her eyes shone red for a moment as she swallowed her embarassment, and then she forced a smile. "Now you know us, introduce yourself. I hear you are aiming for a home in Arcona. Those lands are unfamiliar to me, you should tell me about them."
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